As followers on Facebook know, our brand new ASL video series, Growing in Grace for the Deaf was premiered before its first Deaf audience on Friday, September 27, at a Deaf Bible study in Pensacola, FL.
(To clarify, these are the first Deaf folks who have viewed GIGFTD outside our own Deaf signers and other members of Living Word Deaf Church!)
The study is being led by Peter Dublin of Deafinitely Accessible. Peter is also considering featuring GIGFTD on the website,
Here's the feedback I received from Peter after that evening:
"I planned to get some feedback video footage but we ran out of time. It was cool to see the initial responses. About 4 Deaf folks knew the Deaf pastor signing in chapter 1. The chapter was well presented and the questions created good discussion. They overall response was very good. They want to watch another chapter!!"
This is a start, friends; and I think a very good one!
Please continue to pray for the distribution of GIGFTD, that Deaf people will come to understand who they are and all God has wondrously done for them IN CHRIST.
And please pray, too, for Deafinitely Accessible and all the good folks involved in this Bible study!